Bringing back the “Starter Pass” for only $150 at Brisbane Zouk Festival 2022 😊 🤩
Are you a beginner Zouker with less than 6 months experience?! Pack your shoes & 'dance bag' 😉 because you are to experience your 1st Zouk festival ever. ❤
With our Starter Pass you can access all three nights of parties (Fri-Sun) and selected level workshops throughout the event (2 x Open Level workshops, 3 days Fri-Sun) 🙂 💃🕺
We’ve made it a very affordable option so that you can get you taste of your 1st Zouk festival while sticking to a manageable level of workshops to challenge you and still have fun!
So, what are you waiting for?! 😊 Spread the word about BZF and come and join us for this unforgettable weekend.
What's Included in Starter pass:
❣ Access to 6 selected workshops with amazing artists
❣ 3 Nights of parties at the 1st class 🌟, historic & beautiful venue of the Old Museum Brisbane.
Ticket link: