Leaders it's time to shine! 🤩🥳🕺🕺🕺🕺

We have many lovely followers on the waiting list that are super keen to join BZF 2023 and are looking for a buddy to get a "Buddy Pass" 🌻
As you may have heard, we have put a temporary freeze on the Followers Full Pass until we sell more Leaders pass and we get to re-assess the ratio and decide on the next step closer to the event.
We really care about the ratio of our dancer roles for the workshops & parties, and would love to give everyone the best experience! 🤗💃🕺👌
In the meantime, for our beautiful Followers who don't have their ticket as yet, you can either ask around in your community to find a Leader to get your " Buddy Pass " together or contact us today and we'll do our best to help & match you up. 🥳
So, lovely leaders please put your hands up & contact us today. Lovely Followers, please ask your Leader friends and help us to keep the ratio right for everyone. Also, with Buddy Pass, both leader and follower get a better deal 💲💲💲🤗
Let's gooooooo! 🥳🕺💃🕺💃🕺🌟